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Setting up the Stage for the Outreach Meeting_edited.jpg


Totally financed by voluntary contributions, it is always an ongoing struggle to maintain income to finance such a project as this and, apart from often very limited and sporadic donations from all sorts of sources, the ICM is constantly striving to improve the Centre with the aim of eventual self-sufficiency which would be helped by regenerating the somewhat neglected Farming aspect of the original purchase. Growing their own basic food crops and rearing their own livestock.


Over the course of the first few years after completion of the original Rescue Centre, a number of basic improvements and additions were able to be made including what has proved to be a very well established local 'Jesus is Lord' Radio Station broadcasting news, views and Christian teachings and music to a large area of Northern Kenya. ('Jesus is Lord' Radio can also be heard online The Radio Station, with its own tall mast, is housed in what was a completely new construction built by the Centre themselves.


During this time Pastor Michael and his 'Jesus is Lord' Team of rehabilitated Boys continued to reach out and visit the local Townships evangelising to the Street Children in the 'Jesus is Lord' Truck and, in addition, Pastor Michael managed to raise enough funds to build the 'Jesus is Lord' Rescue Bus. Unfortunately, this busy vehicle, now approaching 20 years of age, had to be taken off the road but has recently (2023) been repaired and refurbished and is back in action rescuing children from the dangers of a street life of cruelty, sickness and starvation.


Here in the UK, Children's Aid International (Kenya) continues to raise funds for the Children at I.C.M. with regular updates on progress at the Rescue Mission being posted on the website. Mike and Jane are always available to give any information and updates from the Mission and the Charity.



 'Prayers are being answered in such wonderful ways’

‘God is our Provider in all things'

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